Maximizing Metastasis Insights: Using an Integrated Workflow Approach to Achieve Efficient CTC Enrichment with Targeted Enumeration for Versatile Downstream Applications

Maximizing Metastasis Insights: Using an Integrated Workflow Approach to Achieve Efficient CTC Enrichment with Targeted Enumeration for Versatile Downstream Applications

Adam S Corner
Market Development, Digital Biology Group, Bio-Rad Laboratories

Characterizing metastases remain key for understanding and eradicating cancer. The study of circulating tumour cells (CTCs), including their genomic mutations, gene expression profiles and cellular traits, is a primary focus of this research. Analyses of CTCs using liquid biopsy relies on enumeration of CTCs as an endpoint or CTC enrichment for subsequent analysis. However, current protocols often employ CTC isolation methods based upon antibody capture of expressed cell surface biomarkers or cell enrichment methods that can disrupt CTC native biology (e.g. gene expression).
In this webinar we discuss the considerations for CTC isolation and introduce an integrated workflow approach that utilizes the Genesis Cell Isolation System using Celselect slide™ technology. We describe how this system is designed to facilitate enrichment, enumeration and identification of various CTC types on-chip and in parallel to result in unbiased size selection and identification of CTCs and other rare cell types. Downstream interrogation of single or enriched CTCs is compatible with a variety of molecular (droplet digital PCR, qPCR, NGS) and/or cellular (FACS, MACS, Starbright) applications.
Join this webinar to learn how to achieve a synergistic and unparalleled degree of insight into both cellular heterogeneity of CTCs as well as the growing demand to understand their unique biomolecular signatures.

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